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BDT 595 0% OFF
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Step into one of Beethoven's former residences and see where the classical composer created his famous works.

Visit Beethoven Pasqualatihaus with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Explore the apartment where Beethoven lived and composed his 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th symphonies.
Self-guided maps and audio guides available in six languages.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Explore the apartment where Beethoven spent eight years of his life and see where the famous composer created some of his well-known works.

The historic 'Pasqualatihaus' was built in the eighteenth century and named after its owner Josef Benedikt Baron Pasqualati. In the time that Beethoven took up residence there, he composed some of his most famous works including his 4th, 5th, 7th and 8th symphonies, plus his opera Fidelio. You'll get the chance to explore a unique collection of exhibits including books, artwork and original music as you explore the renowned residence.

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Stroll through the rooms where Johann Strauss composed his world-famous waltz, The Blue Danube.

Visit the Johann Strauss Apartment with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
View the home of composer Johann Strauss.
Self-guided maps and audio guides available in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian and French.
See the apartment where Strauss spent seven years playing and composing music, as well as an exhibition about his life and relics from his career in the Viennese ballrooms and concert halls.

Often referred to as the unofficial national anthem of Austria, Strauss' The Blue Danube has been played for over a hundred years all over the world. It was composed while he lived in the apartment on Praterstraße, then a highly fashionable suburban street in Vienna.
In the apartment now you'll get to see his own instruments and furniture, as well as paintings illustrating his work as a composer, musician and conductor. You'll also get an in-depth look at his personal life, his marriages; his enthusiasm for cards and billiards; and his work as a caricaturist. As well as learning more about his similarly talented brothers, Eduard and Josef, who completed the Strauss musical dynasty.

The Johann Strauss Apartment gives you a full picture of the world-renowned musician and his life in 19th-century Vienna.

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Step inside the former home of the eminent composer Joseph Haydn, and browse fascinating artifacts from his life and career.

Visit the Haydnhaus Museum with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Take a look at the home and possessions of one of Austria's greatest composers, Joseph Haydn.
Enjoy the pretty courtyard garden - a hidden oasis in the heart of the city.
Maps and audio guides in 6 languages are provided for you to explore at your leisure.

Whether you know a lot or just a little about classical music and famous composers, exploring the home of Joseph Haydn is sure to fascinate.
Joseph Haydn (1732-1809) spent the last twelve years of his life in Gumpendorf, at that time an outlying village of Vienna. He extended the home himself and stayed there from age 65 until his death.
The composer's apartment has been painstakingly restored to its original condition, giving guests a real feeling of the era.
What's more, with the maps and audio devices provided, you can explore the home at your own pace and get a close look at some of Haydn's personal objects. The audio devices are available with descriptions in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian.
The museum's permanent exhibition focuses is on the last years of the composer’s life, linking them to the political and social setting of his time. The garden has been reconstructed according to historical models and is now accessible to visitors for the first time ever – a green oasis in the built-up area of Mariahilferstrasse.

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Discover Vienna's long-lost frescoes for yourself and learn about the food and fashion of medieval Austria.

Visit Neidhart Frescoes with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
View medieval wall paintings based on the songs of Neidhart.
Self-guided maps and audio guides available in English, Dutch, German, Spanish, Italian and French.

Depicting scenes from the music of well-known medieval bard Neidhart, the Festsaal collection are the oldest surviving secular murals in Vienna.
Created in 1407, the frescoes were painted as ornate decorations for a wealthy cloth merchant in his private dance and banquet hall. They weren't seen in modern Vienna however, until 1979 when a restoration project of the building in Tuchlauben 19 discovered them underneath the plasterboard walls.
Illustrating the songs of Neidhart, the paintings show the four seasons and are often thought of as good reflections of life in the medieval period. They tell tales of love, feasts and tension between different groups through a period of social change.

As well as the murals, Neidhart Festsaal is now home to a permanent exhibition about everyday life in medieval Vienna. Music, dance, fashion and food form a central focus of the exhibition as well as the history of the building itself and the process of restoring the paintings.

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Home All-Inclusive Pass Attractions Schubert's Birthplace
Stroll around the house where the great composer Franz Schubert was born on 31 January 1797.

Visit Schubert's Birthplace with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Visit the birthplace of Franz Schubert.
Audio guides or self-guided maps available in six languages.

Explore the home in the Viennese suburb of Himmelpfortgrund where Schubert was born and spent the first four and a half years of his childhood.
Then called  "Zum roten Krebsen" (The Red Crab), the apartment of the large family consisted of only one room and a "Rauchkuchl" (kitchen with open fire).
During your visit, you'll explore the top floor which is now largely dedicated to the memory of the composer. The exhibits are home to an impressive collection documenting Schubert's musical development, his circle of friends and the important stages of his life. You'll also be able to view numerous portraits of the composer as well as a seemingly unspectacular pair of his spectacles which have long captivated the attention of visitors and become the 'trademark' of Schubert's memorials.

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Learn all about the life and works of Otto Wagner as you explore this unique former station building.

Visit Otto Wagner Pavillion Karlsplatz  with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Browse exclusive exhibits dedicated to the life the works of Otto Wagner.
Self-guided maps and audio guides available in six languages.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!

Step into a magnificent art nouveau pavilion and explore a range of exciting exhibits documenting the life of Otto Wagner. 
The architecture of the pavilion alone is worth a visit with its opulent gold and green decor. Once inside, you'll get the chance to work your way through a range of exhibits detailing Otto Wagner's life, famous works and the inspiration behind it all.

Find out how the famous architect pioneered Viennese modernism and discover the secrets behind his magnificent pieces of work that continue to dominate Vienna's urban landscape even today.

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Discover the magic of ancient Egypt and immerse yourself in the world of Egyptian writings.

Visit the Papyrus Museum of the Austrian National Library with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Explore the world's largest exhibition of ancient documents.
Need a proven remedy against scorpions? Or always wanted to know more about dental care in antiquity? Well explore the Papyrus Museum's almost 400 exhibitions of ancient writings and learn things you never knew you wanted to know. Get a direct insight into the sorrows and joys of everyday life in bygone times along with new understandings of ancient religious and literary texts.
Spanning from 15 BC to 16 AD the permanent exhibition features copies of works from Egyptian, Greek and Latin literature, the Egyptian Book of the Dead, and ancient versions of religious texts including the Bible and the Quran. As well as these books of cultural and historical interest you'll find artifacts known as semi-literary documents, which include magical and ritual texts and writings on astrology, natural science and medicine.

You'll also get to see the famous Tabula Peutingeriana – the only known map of the late antiquity Roman road network, recently declared a UNESCO Memory of the World.  

The Papyrus Museum will give you an overview of a wide range of everyday texts from ancient Greek and Roman times, as well as covering the emergence of the Byzantine and Arab Middle Ages too!

BDT 595 0% OFF
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Explore the fascinating history of globes and the eventful history of Esperanto.

Visit the Globe Museum and the Esperanto Museum with zooFamily

Your Vienna pass also includes dozens more top attractions, tours and experiences, all for one money-saving price.
With your pass you'll get entry to the Austrian National Library's Globe Museum and Esperanto Museum.
Check out a collection of over 250 globes and related items in this one-of-a-kind museum.
Learn about the history of globes and the invention of languages!
At the Globe Museum you'll find an impressive collection of globes, offering a unique way to understand how we've viewed the earth throughout the centuries. Meanwhile, the Esperanto Museum tells the story of the world's most successful planned language, and the history of invented languages and where they're still spoken today.

The Globe Museum

Alongside various historical and ornate depictions of the earth, you'll be able to look at various celestial globes of the moon and other planets, as well as various astronomical instruments.
Among the highlights of this fine collection is a globe by Gemma Frisius which dates back to 1535 (making it the oldest globe in Austria and one of the oldest globes in the world) and a virtual globe where you can overlay current maps on top of a 16th-century one, to compare how far human knowledge has come.
While you're here, be sure to check out the Gold Cabinet. This room contains impressive Baroque paintings by Andrea Lanzani, and is home to a collection of globe-related instruments such as armillary spheres, planetariums and telluriums.
Audioguides are available in German and English for an additional €3.

The Esperanto Museum

The innovative exhibition includes major publications, objects, posters and archive records documenting the presence of Esperanto around the world from its creation in 1887 right up to today.
Whilst Esperanto is the most successful planned language its far from the only one, and the exhibition also features everything from the late 11th-century mystical language, Lingua Ignota to the late 1900s Star Trek cult classic, Klingon.
As you journey through the displays you'll find the Austrian National Library's Esperanto Museum answers all your questions and more about the history of human language and the decisive tactics involved in deliberately creating one.

zooFamily is the best choice for maximum savings and flexibility when sightseeing in Vienna. Your pass includes the Globe Museum and the Esperanto Museum, plus admission to dozens more top Vienna attractions.

BDT 945 0% OFF
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Explore Beethoven's former apartment and learn all about the life and work of the classical composer.

Visit the Beethoven Museum with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
See where Beethoven created some of his famous works and browse unique artifacts and exhibits.
Audio guides and self-guided maps available in six languages.  
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!

Take a trip through the life and work of Ludwig van Beethoven at his former apartment-turned-museum. It was at this spot that the classical composer sought to cure his hearing disorder and where he created some of his most important works.
You'll get the chance to explore the iconic location where history happened and browse an array of exciting exhibits including personal letters, books and artwork. A must-do for music fans visiting Vienna!


BDT 945 0% OFF
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Experience Vienna in ancient times through over 300 artifacts and interactive displays at the fascinating Roman Museum (Römermuseum).

Visit the Roman Museum with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
See over 300 exhibits, including Roman houses and the important bronze fragment of Vindabona’s municipal charter.
Get involved with interactive displays and tactile replicas, plus animated films and even a Roman legionaries’ Playmobil camp for kids.
Learn all about Vindabona, an army camp set up 2000 years ago to protect the Roman Empire, in what is now Vienna’s city center.
Step inside the Roman Museum, a time capsule that takes you back to ancient times. The centerpiece here is a rare find indeed: a fragment of bronze plaque containing the municipal charter of Vindabona under Emperor Galba.
Downstairs, the preserved ruins of Roman houses once owned by high-ranking officials are a must-see, whilst digital reconstructions really bring the exhibits to life.
Kids will enjoy the Playmobil camp depicting the lives of the Roman legionaries, as well as animated films and other hands-on replica items designed to be touched and played with.

Roman Museum highlights

Tribunes’ houses - marvel at the preserved dwellings of these high-ranking officials
Vindabona fragment - this piece of bronze plaque contains fragments of the ancient rule of law
Over 300 exhibits - see Roman pottery, sculpture, tools, weapons and more

BDT 945 0% OFF
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Culture vultures, step right up!

Visit Wein Museum MUSA with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Enjoy entry to Wein Museum MUSA and explore its exhibitions.

Opposite the Rathaus in Vienna’s pristine city center, MUSA is one of the best spots in the city to check out contemporary art.
Hosting the works of both established artists and newcomers to the scene, you’ll get to see a range of work from Vienna’s best and brightest talent.
The gallery also runs cultural exhibitions - you can find out what’s currently happening on the MUSA website.

BDT 945 0% OFF
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Situated in an idyllic setting in the middle of the former imperial hunting grounds, Hermesvilla is like something out of a fairytale.

Visit the stunning Hermesvilla with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Walk around in awe of the architecture and interior design of this sumptuous palace.
Delight in the beautiful manicured grounds and nature that surrounds the villa.
Don't miss the statue of Hermes the Guardian which stands in the grounds.
Audio guides are provided with narration in 6 languages.
Welcome to the 'Palace of Dreams' as Empress Elisabeth once called her villa.
Built for Empress Elisabeth by her husband Emperor Francis Joseph, it was given it to her in the hope that the Empress – a keen traveler – would spend more time in Vienna.
It took over five years for architect Carl von Hasenauer to build the villa, and it became a model for many romantic country houses devised for the haute bourgeoisie. The villa took its name from the statue of 'Hermes the Guardian' which stands proud among the gardens.

An impressive exhibition on the history of the house can be found on the first floor. Photographs, plans and documents, original furnishings, and many personal items belonging to the Emperor and Empress convey the imperial lifestyle away from official court etiquette.
Audio devices are available with descriptions in English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, and Italian.

Check the website for temporary exhibitions that occasionally take place throughout the year.


BDT 945 0% OFF
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While away a couple of hours at the Vienna Clock Museum (Uhrenmuseum), which boasts one of the finest collections of historical timepieces in Europe.

Visit Vienna Clock Museum with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Museum maps and audio guides are available in multiple languages.
View a kaleidoscope of clocks over three floors, including astronomical, pendulum, picture and pendant pieces.
Marvel at hundreds of terrific timepieces from around the world at the Vienna Clock Museum, including a colossal mechanism from nearby St Stephen’s Cathedral.
Weighing in at nearly a ton, this bona fide work of 17th-century art is a horologist’s dream come true; a dramatic combination of giant cogs and decorative flourishes in black ironwork. At the other end of the spectrum, you’ll find luxury watches, pendant timepieces and dinky Austrian Zappler clocks, often no bigger than your thumb.
Not to be missed in this cornucopia of clocks is the Cajetano, an elaborate astronomical device designed by mathematician-turned-monk David Rutschmann in the 18th Century. Boasting no less than 150 cogs and gears, Rutschmann’s precision masterpiece displays the time in multiple time zones, as well as the movement of planets in our solar system.

Vienna Clock Museum highlights

Cathedral clock mechanism - one ton of ornate metalwork, originally part of the clock at St Stephen’s Cathedral
The Cajetano Clock - 18th-century monk David Rutschmann’s astronomical masterpiece
Zappler clocks - tiny, decorative Austrian clocks small enough to fit under a thimble

BDT 945 0% OFF
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Discover outstanding texts and objects from Austria's literary history at this fascinating museum.

Visit the Literature Museum of the Austrian National Library with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day - all you've got to do is show your pass.
See letters, manuscripts and more from some of Austria's most famous authors.
Please note: exhibitions are in German. You will be able to access key information in English with a museum tablet.
Embark on a journey into the unknown and unexpected, and experience how literature opens up new horizons as you stroll through permanent and special exhibitions offering a multi-layered and frank picture of Austrian literature.
Original manuscripts, historic texts and modern audiovisuals will allow you to explore the history of Austrian literature. The collection spans three floors, two of which are the permanent exhibition, whilst the other hosts temporary exhibits. From first editions to curiosities that previously belonged to the authors, this museum is a celebration of Austrian literature and the themes it has explored since the 18th century.

The building itself is also a historical site: the Royal and Imperial Court Chamber archive created in the 16th century was moved here during the 1848 revolution. Today, it stands as a fine example of Biedermeier architecture and has heritage status.


BDT 1,190 0% OFF
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Explore one of the most beautiful library halls in the world!

Visit the State Hall of the Austrian National Library with zooFamily

Getting in is easy - just scan your pass at the entrance.
Discover the splendor of this unique Baroque library.
Home to over 200,000 books and one of the most beautiful historic library rooms in the world, this is a must for culture vultures. Built in the 18th century, this exquisite library hall is a wonderful place to marvel at spectacular architecture and ornamental decor – plus it's a perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Highly-detailed frescoes, statues and a grand dome are just some of the impressive features of this Baroque building. Wander further in to admire its two Venetian globes and take in the works of court painter Daniel Gran.

Collections of significance include the library of Prince Eugene of Savoy, as well as many of Martin Luther's writings from the Reformation Era.

BDT 1,415 0% OFF
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Walk through the halls which once hummed with Mozart's musical compositions.

Visit Mozart House Vienna with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Exhibitions on the life and work of Mozart.
Audio guides for adults and children in a wide selection of languages.

The exhibitions at Mozarthaus Vienna allow you to explore the apartment, as you learn about the era in which the great composer lived and worked.
In the heart of Vienna, close to St Stephen's Cathedral, you'll find the last remaining residence of the world-renowned composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. It was here on Domgasse that Mozart lived from 1784 until 1787 and is where he composed more music than anywhere else.
Focusing on these Vienna Years, the displays present the peak period of Mozart's creative achievement.

At Mozarthaus Vienna, you'll be taken back in time to best enjoy the engaging portrayals of the life and work of the musical genius that was Mozart.

BDT 1,415 0% OFF
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Climb aboard the boat and don your VR headset for a virtual ride led by Sisi, Austria’s beloved Empress.

Enjoy Sisi's Amazing Journey with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass.
Take a virtual voyage through Vienna’s history led by Sisi.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Sisi's Amazing Journey lets you immerse yourself in the world of the empress in a unique and exciting way.

Take a seat in the cinema and start your adventure with an informative documentary about Empress Elisabeth of Austria, also known as Sisi. Her life and work will be bought to life in a humorous and entertaining way during an amazing journey through time.
Equipped with your new historical knowledge, you'll be transported through Vienna with the Empress herself on a 360-degree virtual reality boat tour. Your journey through Sisi's world beings on the Danube Canal. Enjoy the breathtaking views over Vienna's old town from breezy heights and immerse yourself in the dream world of books and poetry.
Experience Schonbrunn Palace like never before, with a gymnastics lesson! Swing over forests and mountains with Sisi, rush through the Kohlmarkt at night and listen to what she has to say about her life at court. Round off your journey with a cozy get together at the courtly table and learn the secrets of Sisi's beauty before returning back to modern day Vienna.

Audioguides are available in 10 different languages to ensure you make the most of your history lesson of Imperial Vienna.

BDT 1,530 0% OFF
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Take a step back into an ancient era and become a guest of the Romans in that magnificent reconstruction of a Roman town

Visit the Roman City of Carnuntum with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply show your digital pass
Explore this beautifully reconstructed Roman town
Get a glimpse into life in the 4th century
See special exhibitions, amphitheaters, and monuments
Your Go Vienna pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Welcome to Carnuntum, the thriving Roman city on the banks of the Danube just southeast of Vienna.
From the 1st to the 4th century, Carnuntum was a significant outpost on the fringes of the Roman Empire and a key city for trade and military strategy.
The Roman City of Carnuntum has been masterfully brought back to life in the 21st century in order to present this fascinating period of ancient history. This vast reconstruction of ancient buildings includes villas, amphitheaters, and Museum Carnuntinum, the city’s treasure chamber.
Get a taste of life in Roman times at this magical historical site that will be loved by young and old alike.

Highlights of Roman City of Carnuntum:

House of Lucius - A fine example of the typical middle-class resident’s home in Carnuntum and the wealth that they would have enjoyed, including underfloor heating!
Villa Urbana - A splendid villa that would have been home to some of Carnuntum’s upper-class residents. Its grand staircase flanked by impressive columns is a stark symbol of the status of the owner.
Roman Baths - Visit the thermae with their heated rooms and pools which were a distinguished part of the ancient Roman lifestyle.
Domus Quarta - a beautifully reimagined luxury residence with a masterfully preserved and restored mosaic floor.
Oil Merchant’s House - discover the home and business premises of an olive oil trader that includes a reconstructed storeroom showing just what it was like thousands of years ago.

BDT 1,595 0% OFF
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One of the city’s most iconic sights, the Wiener Riesenrad offers unparalleled views over Vienna and has held its place in the skyline since the turn of the century

Visit the Giant Ferris Wheel of Prater Park with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply show your digital pass
Take a ride on the famous Ferris wheel
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Marking the entrance to the Wurstelprater amusement park, the Giant Ferris Wheel is one of the beloved Viennese sights.
At 65 meters tall, it held the record for the tallest Ferris wheel in the world for 75 years from 1910 - 1985. On your journey around the loop, you’ll see the rooftops of beautiful Vienna, the spire of the gothic Stephansdom Cathedral, and the blue Danube snaking along the city’s eastern fringes.
What’s more, in the entrance area of the Giant Ferris Wheel, eight cabins offer insights into 2,000 years of Viennese history. Not only will get to enjoy looking out over the whole city, but it will be a learning experience as well.
A trip to Vienna without experiencing the Giant Ferris Wheel of Prater Park is a trip wasted! Just one circular journey on its historic mechanics will make you realize why this is a cultural and architectural must-see for every visitor to Austria’s capital.

Did you know?

Constructed in 1897, it was the world's tallest Ferris wheel from 1910 until 1985.
Designed by British engineers Harry Hitchins and Hubert Cecil Booth, the wheel was constructed to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Franz Joseph I.
Something of a Hollywood star itself, the Ferris wheel appeared in films such as The Living Daylights, Scorpio, Woman in Gold, and of course The Third Man where the wheel made its most famous appearance.

BDT 1,655 0% OFF
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Explore the former home of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud.

Visit the Sigmund Freud Museum with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Explore the apartment where Sigmund Freud lived and worked.
Wander through private rooms of the Freud family and Sigmund Freud's first practice.
Sigmund Freud's home and workplace of 47 years has been transformed into a museum, where you can learn about his life and the importance of his work in the discipline of psychoanalysis.

The museum's recent renovation and expansion now mean that you'll discover even more about this fascinating and important man. For the first time ever, all the private rooms of the Freud family will be on display, along with his first practice.

BDT 1,885 0% OFF
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Where better to explore Vienna's musical heritage than at Haus der Musik?

Visit House of Music with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Learn about Austria's most famous composers.
Explore the science of sound with interactive exhibits.
The City of Music was home to dozens of classical greats. We're talking Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert amongst others. This museum celebrates the lives of these talented musicians and explores the origin of sound itself. From composing to conducting, you'll have the chance to immerse yourself in a series of modern exhibits that deep dive into the power of sounds and the importance of classical music.
The museum is located in the former apartment of the composer, conductor and founder of the Vienna Philharmonic, Otto Nicolai, so it's therefore, fitting that you can visit the museum's concert hall and enjoy the highlights of the Viennese New Year’s Concert and the Schönbrunn Summer Night Concert.

House of Music highlights

The Virtual Conductor - have the chance to conduct the world-famous Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra.
SONOTOPIA - the second floor of the museum asks intriguing questions about our relationship with sound.  From how is sound produced, to how our bodies perceive sound and music, a series of interactive exhibits will explore these themes and more. The highlight of this area is SONOTOPIA UNIVERSE, where you'll witness colorful sound beings (through the power of VR) float around in a fantastical sound world. These beings are created by the visitors themselves in the adjacent SONOTOPIA LAB.
Waltz-Dice-Game - this fun exhibit allow you to roll the dice and compose your own waltz using motion tracking. The best part is, you can take your creation home with you.

BDT 1,885 0% OFF
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Home All-Inclusive Pass Attractions Vienna Technical Museum
This glorious museum (both outside and inside) celebrates technological advancements and innovations from early industry and shows astonishing demonstrations

Visit the Vienna Technical Museum with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply scan your digital pass.
Take a look inside this extraordinary museum dedicated to technology through the ages.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Vienna’s Technical Museum is a must-see for anyone with a flair for science and inventions. Some of the world’s most influential technological advances and the effect that they have had on global society, economy, and culture are displayed and documented here.
You’ll find lots of examples of Austria’s contributions to the development of technology, as well as many awe-inspiring objects and machinery from all over the world. What’s more, all of these mechanical wonders are housed within a striking building with two great wings with giant glass ceilings that allow light to pour in over the exhibitions.

Did you know...?

That in 1909, Emperor Franz Joseph laid the foundation stone for the magnificent Technical Museum building?
Here you can find the world’s first computer mouse, dating from 1964 and made of wood!

The museum’s permanent exhibitions include:

Nature and Knowledge - Learn how reliant we are on things that have a natural origin with this interactive exhibition to learn about concepts and consequences and how science is made.
Heavy Industry -  marvel at some of history’s most striking earth-moving equipment.
Locomotive Adventure - this stunning 60-strong railway collection features Empress Elisabeth’s saloon carriage among many other fantastic historical trains.
Musical Instruments - a stunning array of musical instruments make up this impressive exhibit which also details how they were made and the advances to modern musical equipment.
Mobility - lovers of transportation will adore this fascinating display of all things motor. These 800 exhibits show classic cars, motorbikes, planes, boats, submarines and even a hot air balloon that you can climb aboard!
Get Hands-On - the mini mobile area will stimulate and inspire 2-8-year-olds by getting them involved with all their senses.
Any much more!

BDT 1,895 0% OFF
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Home All-Inclusive Pass Attractions Spanish Riding School
Experience tradition and living history in the world’s most beautiful riding arena.

Visit the Spanish Riding School with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
See the daily training routines of the riders and their famous stallions.
With your pass, you get access to standing area in the riding hall.
Commentary available in both English and German.
The Spanish Riding School is the oldest riding academy in the world, where the traditions of classical horsemanship are preserved and celebrated today.
Located within the Hofburg Palace, you can marvel at the stunning Baroque interior of the Winter Riding School where horses are trained in classical riding. The horses are of the Lipizzaner breed, a favorite of the Habsburg monarchy and are characterized by their white-gray coloring and famous for their elegant movements.
Watch how the riders move their experienced school and young stallions and listen to commentary in both English and German. Classical Viennese music completes the magical atmosphere.
For equestrians and people who are interested in culture, history, royal and military traditions that span centuries, this is a must!
Home All-Inclusive Pass Attractions Spanish Riding School
Experience tradition and living history in the world’s most beautiful riding arena.

Visit the Spanish Riding School with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
See the daily training routines of the riders and their famous stallions.
With your pass, you get access to standing area in the riding hall.
Commentary available in both English and German.
The Spanish Riding School is the oldest riding academy in the world, where the traditions of classical horsemanship are preserved and celebrated today.

Located within the Hofburg Palace, you can marvel at the stunning Baroque interior of the Winter Riding School where horses are trained in classical riding. The horses are of the Lipizzaner breed, a favorite of the Habsburg monarchy and are characterized by their white-gray coloring and famous for their elegant movements.
Watch how the riders move their experienced school and young stallions and listen to commentary in both English and German. Classical Viennese music completes the magical atmosphere.

For equestrians and people who are interested in culture, history, royal and military traditions that span centuries, this is a must!

BDT 2,240 0% OFF
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Roam Vienna at your own pace with a self-guided, interactive bike tour.

Enjoy a Kick Bike self-guided tour with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass
Follow an interactive bike route that takes you from the tourist's Vienna into hipster hangouts and local neighborhoods
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Grab yourself a fancy kick bike (a scooter-bicycle hybrid) and embark on a self-guided tour of the city. You’ll follow an interactive e-route, so be sure to have your smartphone to hand.
Wind your way through local neighborhoods, the Hipster valley and other little-known spots in the 6th, 7th, and 15th districts. Pedal at your own pace and choose where to stop (we vote for a cute traditional coffee house that serves up plenty of kuchen!)

A self-guided tour is a perfect way to discover Vienna in your own style, from grand, gilded buildings to city parks and off the beaten path hidey-holes. Just download the Prime Tours app and off you go!

BDT 2,240 0% OFF
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This important landmark is home to a vast collection of historical objects.

Visit Forchtenstein Castle with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply show your pass.
Explore one of Austria's most famous castles and its collection of exquisite treasures.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Surrounded by lush countryside, Forchtenstein Castle is one of the oldest museum sites in Europe. Venture within and discover its collection of historical treasures which range from military equipment to Ottoman booty.
History buffs will be in awe of the castle's impressive private armory, which happens to be one of the largest in Europe. As you journey through, you'll discover even more impressive objects and get to explore the various rooms which were once part of daily life in the castle. Be sure to stop by the beautifully decorated chapel, explore the castle kitchens, and take a peek down the 50-foot-deep well.

Owned by the western Hungarian Esterházy line, the castle is also home to a multitude of family portraits. Amongst them are images of fictional ancestors, including Attila the Hun and Vlad the Impaler. Interestingly, the inclusion of these historical figures was an attempt by the Esterházy family to exaggerate their heroic lineage.

BDT 2,240 0% OFF
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Explore one of Austria's most beautiful Baroque palaces.

Visit Esterhazy Palace with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply show your pass.
Visit this incredible Baroque palace and learn about its historical art collection.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!

Not only will you be wowed by the beauty of Esterhazy Palace, but you'll also be enthralled by its collection of art and gorgeous interiors.
As you wander through the palace, you'll learn about the life of the Princes Esterház and have the chance to see their collection of art and antiques. From their family silver (the world's largest collection of Neoclassical silverware, to impressive filigree, you'll be able to peer into the palace's 17th-century cabinets and be amazed by all sorts of beautiful objects.

BDT 2,345 0% OFF
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This unusual wellness oasis in the middle of the city is the best way to take the weight off your feet

Enjoy Relaxation in Salzquelle Salt Cave with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply show your digital pass.
50 minutes of calm in a salt cave that gives numerous health benefits.
Soft lighting and gentle music set the relaxing mood.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Who would have thought that the heart of Vienna would be the place to inhale fresh ocean air!
Well, you can do just that at Salzquelle Salt Cave. This gorgeous grotto encrusted with Dead Sea salt is a relaxation chamber like no other.
You’ll enjoy a 50-minute relaxation session where you lie back on a comfy chair beneath a blanket, close your eyes and breathe in the salt-filled air. What’s more, the ambient lighting and soothing music mean that you can fully switch off, unwind, and feel your body respond to the benefits of salt therapy.

The list of ailments it helps to heal are practically never-ending. Breathing issues, skin complaints, digestive problems, and cardiac and vascular disorders can all be significantly improved with relaxation in Salzquelle’s salt cave. Sufferers of asthma and bronchitis notice the effects almost immediately, and the saline environment is also helpful for those struggling to lose weight by stimulating fat burning.

Just like a seaside holiday, the environment is warm and welcoming, where the body regenerates and the airways clear - this is truly no ordinary spa experience.

And don’t leave without perusing their collection of Dead Sea Salt Grotto cosmetics. Every cosmetic product contains natural minerals, trace elements, and, of course, the highest quality salts.

BDT 2,365 0% OFF
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Sample delicious Austrian wine amid beautiful surroundings at Esterházy Winery.

Enjoy an Esterházy Winery tour and tasting with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply show your pass.
Enjoy a 'Classic' package tour and tasting which includes a welcome glass of sparkling wine, a tour of the wine cellars, a guided wine tasting with five wines, as well as Esterházy lekvar and bread.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Try some of Austria's most delicious wine and explore a winery that has been operating for over 250 years.
Surrounded by the beautiful Burgenland countryside, Esterházy Winery is the perfect spot to sample some of the country's best wine whilst enjoying views of its picturesque vineyards.

On arrival, you'll be greeted with a crisp glass of Sekt - a delicious sparkling wine - before enjoying a guided tour of the cellar to learn the history and process of this famous winery. You'll then take part in a guided wine tasting, where you'll sample five different wines, each with their own unique palette and story. This will be accompanied by some Esterházy lekvar and bread.

BDT 2,475 0% OFF
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Step into the city’s storied past on this magical tour that includes state-of-the-art special effects, visuals, and animatronics

Take the Time Travel Vienna Magic Vienna History Tour with zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply scan your digital pass
1-hour laugh-out-loud tour detailing the city’s history with special effects and virtual reality
It's 9 stations span 1300m² and are located in the vaults of St Michael Monastery.
Audioguide available in 10 languages.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
One of the most exciting ways to discover the city, Time Travel Vienna gives you an interactive walkthrough of Vienna’s captivating history, from the time of the Roman camp Vindona, all the way to the present. day.
Comprising a guided tour, 5D cinema, animatronics, a horse-drawn carriage ride and even a look inside a WWII air-raid shelter, Time Travel Vienna covers a huge span of history and important cultural affairs attributed to the Austrian capital.
Played out among 1,300 sq. meters of staging, this diverse attraction is a visual feast that will excite, intrigue, and educate visitors of all ages.

Highlights of the tour:

Time Ride in a 5D Cinema
Meet the Habsburgs animatronic figures
Venture into a spine-chilling plague pit
Meet Mozart and Strauss.
Hop aboard a fiaker - or horse-drawn carriage
Find refuge in an air raid shelter and hear Leopold Figl's famous words "Austria is free".

BDT 2,710 0% OFF
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Vienna's creative side spans far beyond its museum's fine art. Check out some of the city's best street art on this fun and educational tour.

Enjoy a Street Art Tour with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass.
See some of the city's best street art on this two-hour walking tour.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Your expert guide will lead you around central Vienna and give you insight into Vienna's thriving street art scene.

You'll be shown over 20 pieces of Vienna's most interesting graffiti, from both local and international artists including famous names such as ROA, Blu, Stink Fish and Shepard Fairey. You'll learn all about the scene, as well as the meaning behind the works, whether it be cultural, political or simply just the creative expression of the artist.

BDT 2,825 0% OFF
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See how art, design and technology come together to advance change at the grandest museum in Vienna.

Visit the Museum of Applied Arts with a zooFamily

Pay nothing upon entry, simply scan your digital pass.
Take in over 500 years of art and design.
Explore works by renowned international artists, designers and architects.
Receive a free souvenir poster worth €9.00.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
One of the most spectacular buildings in Vienna, the Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) plays host to an enormous collection of art, crafts and design spanning five centuries.

From medieval relics, right up to present-day pieces, each exhibition space explores how art and design aren’t purely a matter of aesthetics, but a much-needed necessity to answer the challenges that change and modernization can throw up.
Furniture, ceramics, textiles, glassware, and jewelry all feature, including works by Art nouveau painter Gustav Klimt, Austrian architect Josef Hoffmann, and James Turrell, an American artist famed for his focus on light and space installations. There’s also a ‘design lab’, where artists, architects and programmers collaborate to offer up solutions to 21st-century problems.
What's more, Go Vienna passholders will receive a souvenir poster valued at €9.00.
You could spend a long old while wandering around this stunning building, so if your visit spans lunch or dinner time, MAK restaurant Salonplafond is also very much worth your attention. Great service, lovely surroundings, and beautifully cooked modern-traditional cuisine: think slow-roasted veal, homemade ravioli, and sumptuous, comforting puddings.

The museum’s exhibitions include:

Permanent Collection Vienna 1900
Permanent Collection Baroque, Rococo, Classicism
Permanent Collection Historicism and Art Nouveau
Permanent Collection Empire Style and Biedermeier
Permanent Collection Carpets
Permanent Collection Asia
Rotating design, art, and architecture exhibitions

BDT 2,830 0% OFF
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Discuss the personal and social impact of homelessness as you tour the city with a knowledgeable member of the community.

Take an eye-opening tour of the city with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass.
See Vienna from a completely different perspective on a tour with a member of the homeless community.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Vienna is a city so full of splendour, it’s all too easy to lose yourself amid the grand architecture, age-old museums and mouth-watering cuisine. But if you like to add some social context when you travel, you may be keen to try an educational walk with a member of Vienna’s homeless community.

In an initiative set up by Shades Tours, a mixture of formerly and currently homeless guides, are provided with training and paid salaries, so that they might show visitors and locales alike, how the homeless community deal with the complexity of day-to-day life on Vienna’s streets. They will show you the city from their perspective, give you a glimpse into Vienna’s social system, explore the many challenges homeless people in Vienna face, and discuss the solutions the city aims to provide.
Tours are held in English and group sizes are limited to 15 guests, to allow for plenty of questions and in-depth discussion.

Note: if you enjoy your tour and would like to show your appreciation, a tip for your guide would be most welcome!

BDT 2,940 0% OFF
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Using impressive VR technology, step back in time and experience the story of the Habsburg family.

Enjoy the VR Experience Schönbrunn with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Enjoy a 360° virtual reality immersive experience.
Use of high-end VR glasses.
Available in 19 languages.
What better way to learn about Schönbrunn Palace's fascinating history than by seeing it with your own eyes?

Get comfy in a Baroque-style chair and follow Empress Elisabeth and Emperor Franz Joseph's lives during the times of the Austrian Empire.
High-quality images and sound combine to make this an entirely realistic experience, where you can take in the glamor and opulence of 19th-century Vienna. The experience's photographic-like depictions of historical figures will make you feel like you are surrounded by real people. There's seriously no better way to hear (and see!) the story of this notable family.

BDT 2,945 0% OFF
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Learn about one of the most tumultuous parts of Vienna's history on this darkly fascinating walking tour.

Go on the Walking Tour 'Hitler's Vienna' with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass.
Explore Vienna and learn about its history on this 2 hours and 30 minutes walking tour.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
On this informative walking tour, you'll learn about Hitler's early years and the events which would lead to him becoming one of the most hated men in history.
As well as delving deep into Hitler's early influences, you'll learn more about the political and geographical landscape of Vienna at this time and how it changed during the war years. The tour also explores the effects of Hitler's regime and the war on Vienna in the post-war years and how the city has been shaped by these events to this day.
Along the way, your guide will also impart the history of Vienna's Jewish community. You'll learn more about their struggle by exploring the city's Jewish Quarter and seeing the only Synagogue to survive the Nazi regime, before heading to the Holocaust memorial, which offers a moving tribute to the Austrian victims of the holocaust.

Walking Tour 'Hitler's Vienna' highlights

Heroes' Square - this public space in front of the Hofburg Palace was the location of many important historical events, most notably Adolf Hitler's announcement of the Austrian Anschluss to Germany in 1938.
Holocaust Monument - designed by British artist Rachel Whiteread, this moving statue remembers the Austrian victims of the holocaust.
Academy of Fine Arts - visit the school which famously rejected Adolf Hiter - twice.
Monument Against War and Fascism - designed by Austrian sculptor Alfred Hrdlicka, this important memorial is dedicated to all the victims of war and fascism.

BDT 2,945 0% OFF
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Come and learn the classic ballroom dance that was born right here in the Austrian capital

Take a 1 Hour Waltz Class with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass.
A full hour of learning how best to perfect your Waltz.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Please note: a minimum of two passholders are required for this activity.
What activity could be more synonymous with the gorgeous city of Vienna?!
Welcome to the very birthplace of the Waltz, where it was made famous through the 19th century by one of the city’s most celebrated sons, Johann Strauss.
In an ideal location in the historic heart of the city, right by the City Hall - or Rathaus - the Rueff Dance School is where you can try your hand at this beautiful dance that has been replicated in ballrooms all over the world.
You and your partner will learn how to pivot, pirouette, and promenade around the floor and your expert teacher will quickly develop your stance and skills.
But don’t worry… you can leave your ballgown at home! The Rueff Dance School recommends that you wear comfy gear suitable for a good workout, and be sure to wear shoes with soft soles.
No more looking on from the edge of the ballroom as others dance – joining in is mandatory! Your teacher makes learning the Waltz fun and accessible to all, whether you already know some basic steps, or know nothing at all.

So what are you waiting for? The ballroom beckons…!

BDT 3,060 0% OFF
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Explore Schönbrunn Zoo, the oldest zoo in the world.

Enjoy Schönbrunn Zoo with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Check out the zoo's 700 different species of animal, spread across a beautiful 17-hectare site.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Schönbrunn Zoo is part of a gorgeous UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site with the imperial Schönbrunn Palace at its centre. This unique zoo combines both culture and nature, and teaches its visitors about the importance of conservation and biodiversity.
Schönbrunn Zoo is home to a huge array of creatures and critters, from zoo favorites like giraffes, orangutans, elephants, and Siberian tigers, to endangered species and lesser-known animals from around the world.

Schönbrunn Zoo highlights

Giant pandas – Schönbrunn Zoo is the only zoo in Europe with a proven track record of successfully helping this endangered species to breed naturally.
Rainforest house – this multi-story building is home to a rich variety of tropical flora and fauna.
Aquarium terrarium – check out the zoo's huge collection of fish and reptiles.
The Polarium and Polardom – see incredible views of seals, polar bears, and penguins underwater.

BDT 3,065 0% OFF
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Get ready to take some once in a lifetime snaps with the stars at Madame Tussauds Vienna.

Experience Madame Tussauds with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate – simply scan your digital pass
View lifelike figurines of celebrities and key figures such as Brad Pitt, Winston Churchill, Angelina Jolie, Michael Jackson and much more.
Learn about the world and its cultures with themed areas covering music, film, arts, politics, sports, history and even Hollywood.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Be a star for the day and mix amongst Hollywood - and actual - royalty. Madame Tussauds Wien offers an extensive collection of figures divided into themed sections. Venture around and explore historical figures and the media’s biggest names. Each exhibit will take you deeper into a core theme covering music, film, the arts, politics, celebrity-dom, history, and sports with a few added Vegas-style ‘twists’ to keep you entertained

Madame Tussauds Vienna highlights:

Falco rocks with Mozart
Two musical legends combine in this fascinating model area bringing new meaning to the phrase "Rock me Amadeus". Rock and classical music collide and take on a new meaning as you venture into the past with Falco and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
Wedding Chapel
Las Vegas-style comes to Vienna with this star-studded wedding chapel recreation. A wedding chapel, a wedding altar, and a wedding dress. All the recipes needed to reignite the flames of love. Saying your vows has never been more unique, especially when Elvis Presley and Marilyn Monroe are the ones issuing your vows.
Sisi Uncovered Experience
Take a journey through the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria, or Sisi (as Austrians like to call her)!
Politicians & Visionaries
Meet the most influential politicians and visionaries of the past and the present. Step on to the podium and debate with Heinz Fischer, the former president of Austria. Visit retired Barack Obama in his formal Oval Office. Learn more about the spiritual leader of the Tibetans, the Dalai Lama. Enter Nelson Mandela's prison cell! Become chancellor for a day and support Angela Merkel and her government. Take a seat next to Queen Elizabeth II and feel like royalty for the day. Or learn more about Karl Marz, one of the world's most influential socialist thinkers.
World War II
Uncover the stories behind the year that changed the lives of millions worldwide. 1939 is most remembered for the year World War II began, and Madam Tussauds has dedicated this area to educate and respectfully remind people of history.
This intriguing display covers some of WW2's most influential figures, such as Winston Churchill Leopold Figl, Karl Renner, Oskar Schindler, and Anne Frank. That's not all, the exhibit is modernized by today's stars who have helped bring this monumental year to life, like Brad Pitt and Quentin Tarantino.
Party and Hollywood
Come face to face with some of the biggest names in Hollywood. This area offers the chance for some great selfies with the likes of Oscar winner, Kate Winslet; rapper, producer and actor, Will Smith; singer and fashion icon, Lady Gaga; British actor, Benedict Cumberbatch; actress and Hollywood royalty, Angelina Jolie; multi-award winner actor, film director and narrator, Morgan Freeman; plus many more.
Become a director for the day on this interactive movie set. Step into the roles of your favorite actors: have afternoon tea with Audrey Hepburn; strike a pose next to divas like Marylin Monroe; meet Julie Andrews in one of her most successful roles; and shoot a movie with "The Master of Suspense", Alfred Hitchcock!
Stand next to some of the sporting legends of modern times! This area shows Austria's popular sports characters. Take your mark next to Skiing star, Renate Gotschl and Hermann Maier. Say cheese with football legend, Herbert Prohaska. Or strike your victory pose next to Soccer star, David Alaba.

BDT 3,415 0% OFF
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Explore Vienna from the comfort of an E-scooter seat with this innovative free wander-style tour.

Experience Scootseeing Electric Bikes with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate – simply scan your digital pass.
Ride an electronic, motorcycle-shaped-scooter, and sightsee around the city at your own pace.
Enjoy a self-led tour on one of the most beautiful boulevards in the world.
Explore Vienna's magnificent palaces and extensive parks, and famous landmarks like St. Stephen's Cathedral, Hofburg, Wiener Prater, the Ferris wheel, and more.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Pick your bike - they come in many trendy colors- and tour the city in style. Visit the picturesque Ringstrasse boulevards. It is a beautiful circular grand boulevard, a ring road around the historic Inner Town. Explore two unique tour routes, the ring tour and the Danube tour. On your way, you'll see magnificent palaces, extensive parks, and Vienna's most important monuments like the St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Museum of Art and History, the Memorial of Mozart and Strauss, the Hofburg Palace and more.

Scootseeing Electric Bikes highlights

The 'Ring' or Ringstrasse is a beautiful circular grand boulevard - a ring road around the historic inner-town - and Vienna's first district. Because of its architectural beauty and deep-rooted history, the Vienna Ringstrasse is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Take your time and venture around the historical monuments.
See magnificent palaces, extensive parks, and Vienna's most important monuments like the St. Stephen's Cathedral, the Museum of Art and History, Vienna's beautiful Opera, the Memorial of Mozart and Strauss, the Maria Therasia's Residence - the Hofburg and a lot more.

The Danube is perfect for nature lovers. Add some calm to your day with this scenic route and enjoy the landscape and the Vienna River. Enjoy Fauner and greenery. On-route you will see the famous Ferris wheel, prater, the Danube river and Danube tower.
Your tour will take you across Vienna's iconic locations, including the Strauss Memorial Rooms; the baroque church, Karlskirche; Wiener Staatsoper, Mozart Monument, Kunsthistorisches art Museum, Natural History Museum (Naturhistorisches Museum), The Hofburg, Österreichisches Parlament, the Town Hall (Rathaus), and famous national Burgtheater.

BDT 3,895 0% OFF
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Take a bus tour of Vienna and immerse into its storied past with the help of futuristic VR headsets

Enjoy a Future Bus VR Tour with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Travel around the city in comfort and style on this 1-hour tour.
Experience Vienna's rich history through the medium of virtual reality.
Get your hands on self-guided maps and audio guides in 4 languages.
This is the world’s first sightseeing bus with a built-in time machine!
Join this interactive tour and get a unique insight into the beautiful city of Vienna. Along the way, you'll get a deep dive into the stunning city's history using futuristic technology that allows you to see the city of the past like never before.
Combining a classic bus tour, an informative audio guide, and a virtual reality experience, you'll discover many of Vienna's magnificent buildings, churches, palaces, and monuments. What's more, on the tour you'll 'meet' Austrian icons Emperor Fraz Josef and Empress Sisi within your VR glasses.
No doubt you'll be an expert on the city by the end!

Maps and audio guides are currently available in English, German, Spanish, and Russian.


BDT 4,590 0% OFF
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Delve into Vienna’s rich history, sophisticated culture, and stunning architecture from the comfort of a fabulous double-decker Big Bus.

Take a Big Bus Tour with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
See all the main sights of the city.
Commentary is available in 13 languages.
Two wondrous routes designed to see the best Vienna has to offer.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
How better to see the glorious imperial city of Vienna than with a hop-on hop-off tour with Big Bus!
The flexibility of a hop-on, hop-off tour allows you to immerse yourself in Vienna's beautiful museums, magnificent palaces, grand monuments, and lush gardens at your leisure.
You can take your pick of two fantastic routes, the Red Route or the Blue Route. You’ll take in all the main sights, including the sumptuous Hofburg Palace, the Museums Quarter, Schwedenplatz on the banks of the canal, medieval cathedrals, great green open spaces, and much, much more. This must be the most efficient way to see the city while being informative and fun!
What’s more, aboard the bus you can access a pre-recorded commentary available in 13 languages that will give you an insight into the wondrous things you see along the way.
The commentary is available in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese, Korean, Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew, Hindi, and Russian.

A Big Bus tour is an absolute must when visiting the city of Vienna.

Red Route:
Starting point: Walfischgasse 2, 1010 Vienna

House of Music
Lower Belvedere
Museums Quarter and Mariahilferstrasse
Museums at the Hofburg Palace
City Hall
Schwedenplatz DDSG River Cruise points A+C
Prater, Amusement Park
Blue Danube Pier 3
Blue Danube DDSG River Cruise point B
Danube Tower
Old Danube
UNO City
Danube Island
City Park
Blue Route:
Starting point: Albertinaplatz 2, 1010 Vienna
Museums Quarter and Mariahilferstrasse
Museums at the Hofburg Palace
Aqua Terra Zoo
Mariahilferstrasse, IBIS Hotel
Schonbrunn Palace & Zoo
Hauptbahnhof (central train station)
Upper Belvedere
Lower Belvedere
Hundertwasser House
City Park

BDT 4,715 0% OFF
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See the city like a local with convenience and fun aboard two wheels!

Take a Guided Bike Tour with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass.
Be led on a 3-hour journey around the city with an expert guide.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
What could be better than cruising through the imperial city of Vienna on a bike with the wind in your hair?
With Vienna Explorer Tours you can do just that, and explore the city with ease and comfort as you are led by an expert local guide. You’ll be kitted out with a helmet and one of their awesome, modern city explorer bikes.
What’s more, your guide will also teach you a bit of background about the sights you see on the ride through the city. Cruise along the famous Ring Boulevard and ride through the old Habsburg hunting area in the Prater Park with its landmark giant Ferris wheel.
Over 3 glorious hours, you’ll see the very best of Vienna. Along your journey, you’ll stop to take in:
Hundertwasser House
Prater Park
The monument to Strauss
St Charles Church
The Opera House
The Hofburg Palace
And much more!

This whistle-stop tour of Austria’s capital is the best way to take in the sights and an experience that you won’t forget in a hurry!

BDT 4,955 0% OFF
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Step into the shoes of one of Austria’s most famous historical characters and see the Vienna that Sisi knew on this fascinating tour.

Enjoy an Empress Sisi Walking Tour, Hofburg and Imperial Apartments with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
An expert guide will show you the most significant spots of Empress Sisi’s life in Vienna.
Maximum of 15 people on the tour for the most intimate experience.
Tours are available in English, Spanish and German.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Get to know the real Sisi on this tour that follows in her famous footsteps!
Your knowledgeable guide will lead you around some of Vienna’s most sumptuous sites where Empress Elisabeth, or Sisi, herself would have stepped. You’ll learn what it was about Austria’s beloved former Empress that people so adored and the striking parallels made about her with another, more recent princess - Lady Diana.
Her life in royal court wasn’t without tragedy, and on this tour, you’ll learn everything there is to know about Sisi’s fascinating years in Vienna including secrets, rumors, and affairs.
On the tour of this famously gorgeous city, you’ll see the Church of the Augustin Friars, the Capuchin Crypt, the beautiful Sisi Memorial in Voksgarten Park, and of course the Imperial Palace where she spent much of her days.
Over the centuries, stories and rumors abound with Sisi, so come and experience the true tales of one of Austria’s most beloved historic characters and understand the real Sisi behind the myth!

Tours are available in English, Spanish and German.

BDT 5,295 0% OFF
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Be a local for a day and explore the city the Viennese way!

Take the Kick Bike Guided Tour with zooFamily

Pay nothing at the gate, simply scan your digital pass
Use of a funky Kick Bike to pedal around the city
Your expert local guide shows you the best of the city and some hidden gems
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
The glorious city of Vienna is best enjoyed on two wheels!

You’ll be taken around the city by a super friendly local guide - or echt Wienerisch - who shows you Vienna behind the helm of one of their awesome Prime Kick Bikes! Discover the coolest neighborhoods, the Hipster districts, and some areas that most tourists miss. You’ll also drink a Spritzer at a hidden, cozy bar or have a coffee at a gorgeous, traditional Viennese coffeehouse.
Vienna is a relatively flat city, meaning that kick-biking is easy for all abilities. What’s more, with canals, parks, winding streets, and grand squares, Vienna provides some of the most gorgeous and diverse city cycling circuits.

Groups are limited to 12 people, meaning that you’ll get an intimate experience with your guide, making exploring even more enjoyable. Your Prime Tours guide will be super knowledgeable and make the tour fun and funny. This is truly the best way to see Vienna!

BDT 5,675 0% OFF
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Explore the Baroque brilliance of the gorgeous Schönbrunn Palace and learn some of its most intimate details from your very own expert guide.

Take a Guided Tour of Schönbrunn Palace with zooFamily

With us, there are no entry fees on the day – all you've got to do is show your pass.
Be led around this World Heritage site with an expert guide.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
The magnificent summer residence of the Habsburg family truly is something to behold.
Schönbrunn is Austria’s most famous and most beautiful Baroque palace, with unparalleled richness in history, character, and architecture. This UNESCO World Heritage site is recognized around the world for its beauty and is a landmark synonymous with imperial Vienna.
With Good Tours, you will see everything there is to see and learn everything there is to learn about this majestic royal residence. You’ll meet your guide in the Grand Court of Honour at the palace’s entrance and be taken on a journey of discovery through this historic icon. Just look for the green umbrellas to find your guide!
Step back in time to a regency era and see how the royal court lived in this sumptuous palace. But of course, not all royal stories are such fairytales – as you will learn when your guide fills you in on some shocking details that hide behind the gilded doors…!
And don’t leave without taking a wander around the glorious gardens. Here you’ll find beautiful fountains, perfectly manicured hedges and lawns, a cheeky red squirrel or two, and of course Schönbrunn park’s crowning glory: the Gloriette. This gorgeous colonnaded structure lords it over the palace from high on a hill and used to serve as a supposedly informal garden dining hall. These days plays host to a little coffeehouse that provides the most remarkable panorama of the grounds and beyond to the city – views that you can sip in with your coffee.
After the tour of the interior of Schönbrunn Palace ends, why not visit the famous “Strudelshow” where you can experience how a traditional Viennese apple strudel is prepared. Or, if that’s not enough you can even take the opportunity to visit the oldest working zoo in the world in the magnificent palace grounds – the Tiergarten Schönbrunn.

Highlights of the tour

Ehrenhofbrunnen – the Ehrenhof fountain is one of the sculptural centerpieces of the imposing Court of Honour and the starting point of your tour.
The Great Gallery – a striking 40-meter long room with glorious golden sculpted stucco and beautiful frescoes on the ceiling that has served as a ballroom, royal reception room, and banqueting hall.
Hall of Ceremonies – a grand ceremonial hall is an antechamber to the private apartments and was once used for celebrations and royal christenings.
The Mirrors Room – this crystal mirror-lined chamber is said to be where a young Mozart held a private concert for Empress Maria Theresa at just six years old.
The Marie Antoinette Room – formal dinners were held in this sumptuous dining hall where the strictest etiquette was practiced and conversation had to be hushed.
The Gloriette – elevated at the south end of the luscious gardens, this gorgeous pavilion now houses a café with the best views of the city.

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Get involved with one of Austria’s favorite past-times: enjoying beer!

Enjoy the Craft Beer Tasting Tour with zooFamily

Enjoy a sample of 4 unique beers and some assorted food bites.
Learn about the beer brewing process on a two-hour tour.
Your pass gives you access to dozens more of the city's top attractions, so make sure to check them out!
Austria is one of the top beer-drinking countries worldwide and therefore offers a wide variety of beers. This tour will take you through the brewing process and the best way to enjoy each distinct beer.

Craft Beer Tasting Tour highlights

Explore the century-old beer tradition of Austria as you learn about the beer brewing process and the various beer types. To top it off, you’ll be shown the proper way of tasting each beer.
Your tour will last two hours and is led by a beer expert, well-versed in all things brew-related with a passion for the craft and different flavor profiles. During the tour, you’ll have the chance to savor four craft beers plus an assortment of food bites on the side that enrich the experience.

Along the way, you’ll get to know your fellow travelers with guests from around the world! The maximum group size is limited, so you can easily connect with the other participants without feeling overwhelmed.

Attraction Informations


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